Tuesday 31 December 2013

Singing Lessons

"Deborah can give anyone the inspiration to begin singing"

I am classically trained. All my teaching is based on sustained portamento and the legato line produced through a solid breathing technique and clear intonation. This applies to all genres of singing. In my opinion portamento is a fundamental tool for musical expression.

Singing Lessons

I give lessons to all sorts of different people at all levels of musicianship and who learn for all sorts of reasons. Many of my students are singer/songwriters. I teach most styles. Although I have a classical training, I have sung all styles of music and coach many music theatre, pop and jazz professionals. I teach one-to-one, run singing courses, prepare students for Trinity Guildhall and ABRSM exams, and am available for a variety of workshops and ensembles. I teach remedial singing techniques for singers with vocal problems and provide post-op vocal therapy. I also teach vocal therapy for those recovering from depressive illnesses. I am currently training to add Mindfulness coaching techniques to the singing training to create a new course in regaining confidence and self-expression. Most students will have an opportunity to work with Music Director and Accompanist Suzy Ruffles during the course of lessons.

The primary teaching aims for all students are to be able to make an accurately pitched, free and connected sound, to learn how to sustain it and then to work (and play) with it. For some this is enough and for others it is the basis of more advanced training when we explore a range of musical styles and techniques applicable at professional and more creative levels including improvisation skills.

My teaching practice is based mostly in Central London. (Please visit www.singdeborahhudson.com to book lessons and for prices.) I have also taught at The Wren Complementary Therapy Clinic in the City and have run in-house corporate workshops for organisations including the Walt Disney Company and Kids Company.

All private teaching is one-to-one. Techniques and emphases change according to the needs of the student so every lesson will be a development of the previous one. I ask simply that students practice so that progress is swift and fulfilling.

Remedial therapies are developed according to the problem: vocal wobble, metalic sound, roughness caused by overuse or strain, intonation problems or more physical problems brought about either by general disability or post-operation. I teach vocal therapeutic techniques to those who have suffered depression, helping people to express themselves again. Please don't worry if you have a difficulty in singing. I am here to help.

My focus is on adults and students over the age of 16 to whom I also offer exam preparation and specific singing training for people auditioning for shows and for drama schools.

For prices and where to come please visit my website: www.singdeborahhudson.com

General Methods
I always work along-side beginners, guiding them through the exercises until they are confident enough to sing or speak out alone. Progress is usually rapid. The whole of my teaching is based on natural sounds and movements. We develop a technique out of your spontaneous way of communicating.

I employ a mixture of techniques learned from a number of distinguished teachers,opera singers, music coaches, drama coaches, dance coaches and accompanists as well as academic sources that I myself have tried and found to work. In addition, I have studied belcanto and verismo styles and have listened extensively to early recordings of opera, song and early blues and jazz.

I continue to study, to perform and to train.

Some comments from students:

"You saved my career"  
"I have not felt so happy for years"  
"I feel a real sense of connection"  
"I never thought I could sing like this"  
"I just don't feel so nervous any more"
"Being able to sing this way has transformed my life" 
"My singing has improved so fast and so well." 
"You have done for me everything you said you'd do." 
"You have given me my voice back" 
"We don't blow raspberries in the desert" 
"My tongue won't do what it's told" 
"I've stopped shaking when I sing now" 
"finally I can sing and play at the same time" 
"I'm really pleased with how my voice is now. I feel able to earn again".

Deborah is author of the book "Sing Your Heart Out" as featured on BBC radio.

FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT: www.singdeborahhudson.com